Purple Damask

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm not good at thinking of post names.

Today was good.  Last night was actually good, and this morning was good.  So, it set the stage for me to have a good day. 

Today was a return to school for IV therapy class.  My daughter went back to daycare since before Christmas break, but she returned as a walker!  I fit in some reading and cleaned up a bit.  That is a never-ending job, though.  I have too much stuff in a place that's too small.  I need to consolidate and liquidate, as well as just plain get rid of a lot of things.

Today also marks the 5-year anniversary of the day I had the tests and biopsy done that set me on the path to finding out I had breast cancer.  I'm a little ambivalent about these upcoming weeks.   So much in my life has changed since then, for better and for worse.  There will be other posts about this.

I have really good friends, some of whom I've never met, as crazy as that sounds.  I have a lot of other friends, but they are all back home.  I miss them.  Having gotten in touch with so many of them via Facebook, I realize how much I miss them.  I live in a nice town, I guess.  There are lots of palm trees, and it's got a super low crime rating and things like that.  But, I miss back home.  I'm here for the foreseeable future though. It's ridiculously cliche, but you really don't know what you have until you don't have it anymore.  I hated living in a town where everyone knew me, and knew each other.  Now I miss that so much.  I'm invisible here.  For some reason, life down here feels disconnected.  It's like people don't see you when they pass you, and they are all just on some kind of auto-pilot through life.  

I am anxious to get my nursing license so I can work as a nurse and start getting back on my feet.   Hopefully, that won't be too much longer.  Right now, that would be such a help. 

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