Purple Damask

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Does anyone have a magic wand? Now is the time to use it!

I really need this to work.

I'm sitting here, grumbly as ever trying to figure out how to cover my testing.  This is a major hurdle for me, because I still have to pay other bills and live day to day.  $400 might not seem like much to most people, but to me, it might as well be $400,000,00 right now.

When I was in nursing clinicals, you have to do a rotation at a pediatrician's office.  I ended up doing two, because I had to go back to finish my last term because I had a baby.  So, I was able to work with this doctor's office twice.  He's a holistic medicine pediatrician.  His office staff is great though.  So, today I was contemplating my future at Burger King, and I thought about something my instructor rammed down our throats in class.  "Do a good job at clinical sites.  These will be the places you find yourself going back to."  So, I picked up the phone and called the office.  The office manager happens to be the doctor's wife, and we've spoken a few times.  My daughter is now a patient there because I liked her and the office so much.

Basically, I let her know that I had finished school and was now trying to save for my boards and license.  She is an RN, so she knows these are critical.  I asked her if there was anything they needed help with in the office.  I told her I was willing to work as a medical assistant, clean up the rooms between patients... whatever they needed.  She said that the only thing they really needed right now was data entry on medical records.  HELLO!!  I've been a medical transcriptionist most of my adult life!  This is right up my alley.  She told me that they are switching to EMR's (federal mandate) and they need to input the patient info, insurance, etc into the computer, but that they needed accuracy.  HELLO!  I've been doing quality assurance for 7 years.

Well, she said she was going to talk to the doctors, and she wrote down my availability and number.  They hadn't put out an ad or anything like that, but it's something they need, and soon.  So, cross your fingers for me.  I really need to find some decent work soon.  I am in a major rut and I know that getting my nursing license would go a long way to change that and lessen so much of my stress. 

I'll post when I hear something, but this would be really good.

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