Purple Damask

Friday, January 6, 2012

Baby vs. Parents... baby wins by a knockout!

This might sound lame, but thank God it's Friday!  I'm beat. 

My daughter, that just turned a year old last week, has decided to take on her parents.  She's winning.  I think she officially went on strike last night.

My apartment looks like an earthquake hit, and she has taken to finger painting with her milk.  She turns her bottle or sippy cup upside down and finds a way to make those leak-proof cups leak.  Then, she makes designs in it.  That's a new talent she has developed... and I am not happy with it.  She will be picked up from daycare in about an hour, but I haven't got an ounce of energy.

Sitting in school all day has zapped me of all stamina.  It always has.  I also heard the word "tubing" more times today than I believe in the entirety of my life.  The word never really stuck out t me... but I heard it so much today that it didn't even sound like a real word anymore.  Tubing.  Tubing.  Tubing.  Tubing.  I also have a practice pad, that I can jab with a needle and get used to starting IVs. 

I'm going to go to Joann's and take a class in crocheting.  I took a couple of sewing classes there before, but I haven't sewn very much.  Lack of time and space, but I do have a great sewing machine.  Any suggestions on good sites to learn more about sewing and crocheting?

Sorry I don't have anything more interesting to add right now, but I think my brain has turned to mush.

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