Purple Damask

Monday, January 9, 2012

Finally, a little bit of good news!

I mentioned a potential job the other day.  Well, I got it.  I spoke to her today and she said that I could start Wednesday after class and she would give me full time hours.  I'm not sure how long this will last, because I'm being hired for a specific project.  But... I'm thinking if I can work there for a bit, save some money for my test and license, as well as make a good enough impression that if I need a reference, I have one... that's a successful project for me.  So, I'm going to be doing that.  I'm happy about it because it will take some of the financial choke-hold off of me and I won't be so dependent on Paul either.  He does a lot to help me, but he's not in the best shape financially right now either. 

I have big plans for this weekend and I can't wait.  It's actually something I've been looking forward to for about 6 weeks now, but I can't say what it is just yet.  I wish finances were a little better right now, so we could go all out, but I think we will still have so much fun.

Thank you guys for reading my stuff!  I know my life is pretty mundane, but it's still my life!

Also, I'm getting used to typing with nailsagain.  For so long they've been chopped down to nubs for school.  I kind of regret getting them done because the day after, I got financially crappy news, but I got good news today on that front, so it's not terrible. 


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Diagnosed 5 years ago. This brings back a lot of memories. (Long post)

I wasn't sure if I was going to write anything today or not.  But I figure I might as well keep my page active, because once I start slacking... it's over!  :-)

Five years ago, I received the call that I had breast cancer.  It was one of the worst, scariest and loneliest days I've ever had.  I've had a couple of doozies since then, but this one was up there in rank.

I had sat through the weekend, wondering what that call would bring.  I had a feeling it wasn't good though.  You don't have pain like that, in one place, for that long, without it being something significant.

My ex-mother-in-law had breast cancer a year before.  It was a nightmare.  She had stage IV and it had spread to her lymph nodes.  I watched her endure a mastectomy, sat with her during chemo and drove her to radiation.  I also watched her lose her mind.  She was always pretty frail, but when she found out she had cancer, she literally lost her mind.  She went from a working, functioning woman to a zombie and a shell of herself.  She put on a bathrobe that night and she became almost catatonic.  Her sister had died from breast cancer that had been treated but returned in a different location.  (Anytime you have breast cancer, even if it's treated and in "remission", any cancer you ever have after that will always be considered a metastatic cancer, stemming from the breast.  Ali was a great woman, and had died of lung cancer that spread to her brain, after having been in remission for about 2 or 3 years.)  My MIL (mother-in-law) took her diagnosis as a death sentence.  That was one thing that I knew I didn't want to have happen to me.  The diagnosis affected her mind so much, and the subsequent chemo, that she never returned to work and ended up institutionalized for a while.  Chemo is no joke and she barely made it through. MIL is still alive, and cancer free as far as we all know. From what I understand, she's doing pretty well from a mental standpoint.  Her reaction was a rare, but known effect of the chemo.  I think she also had a breakdown though, when faced with the same thing that took her sister.  I think that's why when she went to the doctor, the tumors were multiple and very large.  I think she was just in denial. 

I remember when Dr. Gardner laid it on me.  She and I had a rapport immediately at the cancer center and I really liked her.  She thought my positivity was "wonderful and inspiring".  She probably didn't know I was falling apart though. I asked her what happens now, and she explained that the Komen foundation that had done my testing would cover the surgery that I was going to need because at the time I was uninsured, and that she wanted me to meet with a surgeon there within the week.  She gave me the names of a couple of surgeons, and told me to pick.  She said the name Douglas Reintgen, and I stopped her and said I would take him.  I knew who he was, because he was the director at one of the major cancer centers that I had done transcription for.  He also helped develop the sentinel lymph node mapping technique that would be used. 

For the record, my tumor was 2.5 cm, and it was an invasive ductal carcinoma.  It was also called a "triple negative" cancer, which is a particularly aggressive type.  And yes, the lump grew very fast.  The pain was there long before the lump... and then the lump became detectable and grew to 2.5 cm quickly.  

She helped get me lined up for that a few days later, and she had me come in that day to apply for Medicaid because at the time I was the only adult in the household, and I was providing for two children, one of which wasn't even mine.  I qualified, but I hadn't even applied before because I was always healthy.  So, they would cover anything that Komen didn't.  Mainly chemo, if I was to need it.  That's one thing Komen doesn't do, but they cover radiation.

Anyway... what I remember most about that day was that I was alone at the house... and that's how I would stay.  My now ex-husband was locked up because of his stupid pain pill addiction.  My mom was never a real mom, and I didn't want her around because she would make things worse.  My husband's family was no real help because his mom was still a total wreck, and so I didn't even seek them out for help.  I just knew that I had three kids to think about.  My son, who was 7, my other son who was 12, and my step-daughter who was 10.  I couldn't let myself become like my MIL, and I wouldn't let them see that happen to me anyway.  I talked to a friend online, and I called my niece and told her.  She came home for lunch break and sat with me.  We were pretty inseparable back then, and she was very helpful to me during all of this.  We all had myspace back then, but there was nothing like statuses or anything.  I talked to a friend in Orlando.  But that's about it.  I really just felt completely alone.  I had no idea what was going to happen.  Was I going to need a mastectomy?  I didn't want that.  I was only 32, and my chest was always a part of me I never had issue with.  I didn't want to go bald.  I had really long, dark hair and everyone liked it.  I was thinking of things like vanity.  I was trying not to think about the fact that I could die, and my kids would lose their mom.

I know that had this happened now, instead of 5 years ago, I wouldn't have a moments peace because I have reconnected with so many people from the past, and made so many new friends, even if they are spread out across the country.

That was when I decided that I was going to go through with my plans for a divorce.  I had said I was going to, because if i was going to go through this alone... I might as well not have him as a husband.  A husband should be by his wife's side though something like that.  He chose drugs over his wife and kids.  Now I was choosing to fight, but I would fight alone, because of him.

I had to talk to my kids that night and tell them that this was going on.  It wasn't easy to do because they had watched their grandmother's downward spiral.  They wanted to know if I was going to get sick like her, and I knew what they meant.  I told them I was going to do everything I could not to let that happen, and that I would fight really hard to stay strong.  My niece came over to be with me while I told them, and the girl that was my former sister-in-law.  Then, after we talked and cried and decided we would win this... we ordered some pizza, turned on a movie and we all vegged out together.  I had a great dog back then too...

So that's mostly how I remember this day in 2007.  It started the fight.  I can say that I was very blessed that it was not more advanced, but I still have to live with it for the rest of my life, and I will always worry if I might pass it on to my daughter.  (She didn't even exist back then.  So much has changed since then.)

If you read all of this... comment below and you will be entitled to 5 Emjay points! They're like brownie points, but no calories!  :-D

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Who was it that said Saturday's are relaxing??

If you bought that story, you should demand your money back!  I have not had a moment of rest all day.  The prospect of getting any later isn't looking so good either. 

My issue of the day, so far, is Sam's Club.  They advertised Huggies on their site for $0.01 and that was to be available for in-store pick-up at my local club location.  I jumped on that and ordered 6 packs.  Who wouldn't?  So, I called the club to see if they could have them ready today instead of tomorrow, and the manager said that he refused to sell them to me even though he had them in stock.  He said he was sending them back because they were recalled.  (False)  I told him that he can't refuse to sell the item to me if he has it in stock and he still refuses.  I have my order confirmation and instructions to pick up the item, and he said he's not honoring it.  So, I called the customer satisfaction line and I have to wait until I get a call back from "corporate" about it.  They won't substitute anything for the same price either.  They said I am welcome to pay full price.  Well, in this state, advertising something on sale, refusing to sell it for that price and pushing a customer to by a higher priced item is considered a violation of the Unfair Business Practices Act.  So, they need to honor it.  We'll see though.

I know I shouldn't spend the money, but I am going to get my nails done tomorrow, I hope.  It's entirely likely that something will happen and I won't be able to.  I haven't done anything that could be considering "pampering" for myself since before my daughter was born.  It's 20 bucks.  I think I should be able to spend that much on myself, right? They'll try to upsell me into a bunch of junk too, though.

One day, when I'm making steady money again (soon please!) I can get a pedicure too!  :-)  The problem with that is... I giggle like an idiot because my feet are ticklish.  

Update:  I just heard back from a different manager at Sam's.  She said to come pick up one pack of diapers at the penny price, and she'd let me know Monday about the rest.  We went up there, and she said they no longer had them in inventory.  But, since she knew we were on the way, she gave us a 200 pack of Huggies for free.  Just because of the trouble.  If I had a comment card, I'd give her high marks.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Baby vs. Parents... baby wins by a knockout!

This might sound lame, but thank God it's Friday!  I'm beat. 

My daughter, that just turned a year old last week, has decided to take on her parents.  She's winning.  I think she officially went on strike last night.

My apartment looks like an earthquake hit, and she has taken to finger painting with her milk.  She turns her bottle or sippy cup upside down and finds a way to make those leak-proof cups leak.  Then, she makes designs in it.  That's a new talent she has developed... and I am not happy with it.  She will be picked up from daycare in about an hour, but I haven't got an ounce of energy.

Sitting in school all day has zapped me of all stamina.  It always has.  I also heard the word "tubing" more times today than I believe in the entirety of my life.  The word never really stuck out t me... but I heard it so much today that it didn't even sound like a real word anymore.  Tubing.  Tubing.  Tubing.  Tubing.  I also have a practice pad, that I can jab with a needle and get used to starting IVs. 

I'm going to go to Joann's and take a class in crocheting.  I took a couple of sewing classes there before, but I haven't sewn very much.  Lack of time and space, but I do have a great sewing machine.  Any suggestions on good sites to learn more about sewing and crocheting?

Sorry I don't have anything more interesting to add right now, but I think my brain has turned to mush.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Does anyone have a magic wand? Now is the time to use it!

I really need this to work.

I'm sitting here, grumbly as ever trying to figure out how to cover my testing.  This is a major hurdle for me, because I still have to pay other bills and live day to day.  $400 might not seem like much to most people, but to me, it might as well be $400,000,00 right now.

When I was in nursing clinicals, you have to do a rotation at a pediatrician's office.  I ended up doing two, because I had to go back to finish my last term because I had a baby.  So, I was able to work with this doctor's office twice.  He's a holistic medicine pediatrician.  His office staff is great though.  So, today I was contemplating my future at Burger King, and I thought about something my instructor rammed down our throats in class.  "Do a good job at clinical sites.  These will be the places you find yourself going back to."  So, I picked up the phone and called the office.  The office manager happens to be the doctor's wife, and we've spoken a few times.  My daughter is now a patient there because I liked her and the office so much.

Basically, I let her know that I had finished school and was now trying to save for my boards and license.  She is an RN, so she knows these are critical.  I asked her if there was anything they needed help with in the office.  I told her I was willing to work as a medical assistant, clean up the rooms between patients... whatever they needed.  She said that the only thing they really needed right now was data entry on medical records.  HELLO!!  I've been a medical transcriptionist most of my adult life!  This is right up my alley.  She told me that they are switching to EMR's (federal mandate) and they need to input the patient info, insurance, etc into the computer, but that they needed accuracy.  HELLO!  I've been doing quality assurance for 7 years.

Well, she said she was going to talk to the doctors, and she wrote down my availability and number.  They hadn't put out an ad or anything like that, but it's something they need, and soon.  So, cross your fingers for me.  I really need to find some decent work soon.  I am in a major rut and I know that getting my nursing license would go a long way to change that and lessen so much of my stress. 

I'll post when I hear something, but this would be really good.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm not good at thinking of post names.

Today was good.  Last night was actually good, and this morning was good.  So, it set the stage for me to have a good day. 

Today was a return to school for IV therapy class.  My daughter went back to daycare since before Christmas break, but she returned as a walker!  I fit in some reading and cleaned up a bit.  That is a never-ending job, though.  I have too much stuff in a place that's too small.  I need to consolidate and liquidate, as well as just plain get rid of a lot of things.

Today also marks the 5-year anniversary of the day I had the tests and biopsy done that set me on the path to finding out I had breast cancer.  I'm a little ambivalent about these upcoming weeks.   So much in my life has changed since then, for better and for worse.  There will be other posts about this.

I have really good friends, some of whom I've never met, as crazy as that sounds.  I have a lot of other friends, but they are all back home.  I miss them.  Having gotten in touch with so many of them via Facebook, I realize how much I miss them.  I live in a nice town, I guess.  There are lots of palm trees, and it's got a super low crime rating and things like that.  But, I miss back home.  I'm here for the foreseeable future though. It's ridiculously cliche, but you really don't know what you have until you don't have it anymore.  I hated living in a town where everyone knew me, and knew each other.  Now I miss that so much.  I'm invisible here.  For some reason, life down here feels disconnected.  It's like people don't see you when they pass you, and they are all just on some kind of auto-pilot through life.  

I am anxious to get my nursing license so I can work as a nurse and start getting back on my feet.   Hopefully, that won't be too much longer.  Right now, that would be such a help. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

This is the obligatory intro post.

A friend of mine was considering starting a blog.  I said I would if she would.  She did, so here I am. I've made blogs in the past, and I never kept up with them.  So, we'll see how this goes.

So, some things about me:
-I'm Marie.  Some people call me Emjay.  I'm 30-something, and I have 3 kids.  My youngest just turned 1-year-old.   My oldest is almost 18 years old.  Somewhere in there, I have a 12-year-old.
-I just finished school to be an LPN, and am anxious to get my license.
-Paul is the love of my life, and the person that makes me crazy, sad, happy, angry.
-I have a website.  It's a really good website, and it's full of really awesome people.
-I'm really short.  5'0"
-I have a major intolerance for incompetence and stupidity, and I can't stand when people don't do their job, especially if someone else pays the price for that stupidity.
-I don't drink or do drugs.  No reason other than I really don't like the taste of alcohol.   If I DO drink, it's very rare.
-I speak my mind, and it's a detriment at times.
-I'm 100% Italian, and I was born in New York.  
-My favorite color is purple.
-Favorite food is Italian.
-I'm really good at medical stuff.  I'm really bad at most math.
-I had breast cancer when I was 32.  I had a lumpectomy and 6-weeks of radiation.   I'm about to hit my 5-year-mark, which is a big statistical achievement. 
-I spell really well, so you won't lose brain cells reading my posts.
-I type how I talk, so expect anything I post to take on a conversational tone.
-I love to read, and got a Kindle this Christmas, and am now enjoying having the time to read again.

I guess that's it.  That's way too much anyway.  Mostly, anyone that is reading this already knew all this about me, but I had to get the first one out of the way.  I figure if nothing else, I will bore people to sleep and help kick the nation's addiction to sleeping pills!  :-D